Why Can't Everyday Be Thanksgiving?
Thanksgiving has always been one of my most favorite days of the year. I think watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in my pajamas, being with family near and far, and eating yummy food are just some of the reasons I love and look forward to Thanksgiving each year. The whole day just makes me so happy. While, of course the yummy food and being with family makes me so happy, I think the biggest reason Thanksgiving makes me so happy is because I am remind of how blessed I am. I do my best to thank God every day for each and every blessing He has bestowed upon me; however, Thanksgiving is the one day of the year that I am more thankful than ever! Today, I just wanted to remind you to be thankful EVERYDAY! We are all so blessed with friends, family, food, a great school, clothes, and a home- I mean the list goes on and on! Sometimes we get so wrapped up in life that we just forget to stop and be thankful. I mean why can't everyday be Thanksgiving? Why can we not thank God everyday for our blessings? Everything we have is all thanks to Him. We should praise His name daily for how much He loves us. Just when we think we have enough or just what we need, He fills our cup again! He is so good to us, and it so important that we let him know how grateful we are to Him! I pray this little post inspires you to always be thankful, not just today, tomorrow, or this Thanksgiving, but EVERYDAY because there is just so much to be thankful for.
I just want you (Yes! You! You reading this post!) to know how thankful I am for you! Thank you for reading my blog and for loving me by doing that! It means the world! :)
Love always,
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