His Story, Your's to Share

I am a strong believer that each of us have stories that are worth sharing. Our stories are chock full of many chapters that align together to tell who we are and who God has planned for us to become. Every little mess up, every triumph, every mistake, every failure, every loss, every celebration--they are all worth sharing. They are worth sharing because they are pieces of who we are as people. They make up the story that God is writing over our lives, which is something we should all feel so blessed by and something that we should all be excited to share.

As humans, it is easy for us to feel as if sometimes our lives are not as special as someone else's. We are quick to compare our own lives to that of someone else's, which is so very terrible if you really think about it. So often we wish we had the same experiences and opportunities that someone else has, that we fail to see what is right before us. We have our own beautiful story that has so much beauty and purpose. Why would we want to criticize a beautiful piece of work that has purpose and potential? More importantly...why would we want to criticize a good work done by God? Can you imagine how that must make God feel? Think about it...it would be like us telling a famous author that her book stinks, just because it does not have something that another book we love has. Can you imagine how awful that would make you feel? What if someone came up to you and told you they hated what you had created, and wish that it had more? It would really hurt because you had put so much love, time, and thought into your work. You saw your work as good, you were proud of what you had created, and for someone to criticize it...well, it can be a painful thing to hear to say the least.

You see, the same goes for God. From the beginning of time God saw all of his creation as good, but you know what he said when he laid eyes on us? He said that we were VERY good. He put so much time and thought into us because he knew that this world needed more than just plants and animals. We were a part of his master blueprint. We were a part of the magical story that he had written in his head, and once he saw his plans come to fruition he was amazed at just how very good we were. He was proud. And you know what we do? We tell God the very opposite. We tell him that we are far from very good because we are constantly telling ourselves how imperfect and insignificant we truly are. We criticize what God saw as his very good work, just because it does not meet our humanly expectations or fit into the schema of what we view to be "a perfect life"--"a perfect story."
How hurtful that must be to God. How painful it must be for him to hear that his creation, his very good work, is not proud of the story he is writing for them.

We must fix this. We must alter our standards, and realize that who we are is unique and beautiful. We  are a very good work. And because we are very good, we must realize that there is no need for comparison. I want you to know that it is impossible, I repeat IMPOSSIBLE, for your story to be just like some one else's. If it was...then it would not be real and it definitely would not be your's. Just think how boring of a world we would live in if we were constantly copying each other's stories. There would only be one story to tell, and it would be repeated over and over again. That would get very old! I want you to know that no matter how boring or unimportant that your story may seem...it just isn't. You story is so beautiful, and so precious because it is written by the greatest author of all time!

So never feel ashamed of your story and who you are. Don't hide your story away because then the world would be missing out on something very good that God has planned to share through you! You see, God doesn't give a story like your's to just anyone. I think that is so important to remember. Because there are times when we feel like our lives couldn't get any worse and that nothing ever seems to go right. Because of all of our struggles and imperfections, sometimes we see our stories as being insignificant. Well, I am here to tell you today that YOUR STORY MATTERS! There is something beautiful about your story that makes something known about God in ways that no one else's story can--and maybe part of how you can share something about God is through your mistakes. You see, that is why your story matters because you add something to this world that no body else will every be able to, and that is pretty special. I know sometimes it can seem as though we are insignificant and that are lives are less important than the next person's--believe me I know. I have fallen multiple times into this category of people who fail to realize how significant our stories truly are. But we must realize that God knit you together for a purpose. He inscribed a story on your heart for you to share, and it is our greatest duty to realize this and share it. 

Sweet people, God put so much love into you. He created you to be his, to set foot on this earth to share his story. You have something beautiful to tell, so let others sit back and listen. Let them read all your chapters. And because of your chapters of imperfections, mistakes, triumphs, and celebrations that make up your story, the rest of us will be pointed towards God and realize more of who he is because of the experiences you had. We will be in complete awe of God's story over your life. We will be so amazed at how God has written your story, and it will inspire us to share our own stories. And once we delve deeper into our own stories that God has written for us, we are able to realize just how special we are--we are special because we are unique and different from everyone else. So, let everyone hear your special story...better yet, let everyone hear God's story.

After all, this is his story. We are just here to share it with the hope that something about our story will bring to revelation something about God in a special way that helps others to realize just how very good they truly are. And who knows? Maybe something about your story will help you too realize more about who God his. So I encourage you to keep on following God's beautiful plan for your life. Keep on flipping the pages, keep on reading, and keep on pursuing this story that God is writing about you. I promise it will be the very best story you have ever laid eyes on, and it will definitely be worth the read! 

Have a super great week and stay faithful, friends!

All the love, 


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