Dancing with Jesus
One night this past week I decided to listen to an episode called "Bullies and Beauty" from Whoa That's Good Podcast, a Christian podcast by Sadie Robertson. During the episode Sadie talks with Emma Mae Jenkins, who is quite possibly one of the biggest lights in this world as she undeniably shares her love for Christ (I definitely suggest going and giving her a follow on instagram @1corinthians13_love)! At one point during the episode, Emma mentions how she "dances with Jesus." This phrase really stuck out to me because I have never really heard anything quite like it, but I love it. Just as I was, you may be wondering, "What does it mean to dance with Jesus?" Well, from the wisdom I have been blessed with from Emma, let me tell you!
When we picture our lives we think that the only way that we must go is forward, so when we go backwards or even to the side we tend to get upset with ourselves. We become hard on ourselves because none of our steps were right in front of the other as we view that they should be. But why do see this as such a terrible thing? Because really all of these steps--whether they are taken forward, backward, or to the side--help us grow. The growth may not have looked like what we had planned, but it was what God had planned. Some days we take one step forward, and another day we might take a step backward. Then we might take a few to the side, then a few more forward, and a couple backwards. You see, we need all of these steps in order to grow into the strong human beings that God is calling us to be.
The same goes for dancing. You cannot truly dance by just taking steps forward. Dancing requires some steps backward and steps to the side too! That's what makes it fun! I'd argue, and you might too, that dancing would be boring if it was just done in a single straight line going forwards. The steps to the side and backwards are what add contrast to the art of dancing. Without these steps in different directions dancing would be quite boring, which would ultimately make it quite easy. Dancing requires growth and lots of practice--just like life. We are always learning more about life, especially from our mistakes (the steps we take backwards and to the side!), and with these mistakes we are able to truly grow. Dancing is not supposed to be easy, and neither is life. Both are hard, but both allow us to grow. However, we must realize that we cannot do either alone. Sometimes we may need a little help therefore we need the courage to put our strength in someone much more wiser than ourselves.
So now, I want you to picture something. Picture a little girl and a her father standing together in their kitchen. The little girl grabs her father's hands and places her feet one after the other on top of her father's feet. He embraces her and she stands with her feet implanted in his. They begin to dance softly. At this point the little girl has put all of her strength in her father and is trusting him to guide her steps. Every step that he takes, she takes with him. She has given herself to him, and he is now her strength. She is no longer moving in her own strength. She is moving in her father's strength and this allows her to feel safe.
Now I want you to replace this image with you and God. Imagine yourself being fully implanted in the Father. Imagine your feet standing upon his. Imagine all your worries slowly drifting away as you put your faith in him...allowing him to be your strength. Imagine how whole and strong that you would feel because you realize that you are no longer moving alone. God is taking every step with you. He may not take you the path that you thought you were going to go; however, we must remember that because we are with God he will make our paths straight.
It takes a lot of trust to fully allow your dance partner to lead you. In our case, sometimes it may be difficult to give it all to God because we are a world of people who like being in control. However, if you think about it...God is and always will be the one in control. His "choreography" may not always be what we had envisioned in our own heads, but I can promise you that it will ALWAYS be better. It is our job to believe this truth, and realize that we lack no good thing in him.
I encourage you from this day forward to get up every day and dance with Jesus. Implant your feet in his word, and take every step remembering that Jesus is leading you every step of the way. You are his, and he would never lead you astray. With this hope in your heart, I pray that you are able to feel free because you dance with Jesus and make it your heart's focus to put your strength in him.
Have a very lovely week and stay faithful, friends!
With so much love,
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