You Are Chosen

As fall comes to a close and we approach winter and Christmastime I want to reflect on what I have been trying to focus on recently and where I got my inspiration to do so. One of my favorite bible verses is Deuteronomy 7:6: "For you are a people holy to the Lord your God. The Lord your God has chosen you out of all the people on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession." I absolutely love this bible verse because it reminds me that no matter what may occur in my life I will always be precious and worth something to God because He has chosen me. 

A while back I came across this quote that feeds off of Deuteronomy 7:6: 
"Make choosing an autumn pumpkin a reminder that our scars and bruises are a beautiful part of our story because we are chosen by the One who brings hope, healing, and strength."
don't know about you, but I love this! I think it is a perfect way to remember that we are chosen by God despite our scars and bruises. Just think about it. When you go to pick out a pumpkin you want to find the perfectly rounded one with no dirt or bruises on it. Have you ever found this difficult?!?! I know that when my family and I have gone to pick out pumpkins before we always struggle to find the ideal perfect pumpkin. We usually end up with one that is oddly shaped with a broken stem, and a little dirty and bruised. It is inevitable that most of us will not come home with the perfect pumpkin, yet we usually still choose one despite its minor faults. Now of course, I realize fall is coming to a close, and we are ready to move on to Christmas; however, I strongly feel that we can take this image of choosing a pumpkin and use it for the good in our own lives. 

If you really think about it we are just like pumpkins in a pumpkin patch. We are broken, bruised, scared, and ultimately not perfect. We are far from perfect, yet God has still chosen us to be His beloved, His most prized and precious possession. God sees our brokenness, scars, and bruises, and He brings us hope and strength. God does not think twice about us. What I mean is that He does not look at us and see our flaws and throw  us to the side like we might do when picking a pumpkin. He sees our flaws and brokenness and He says: "My child, I will make you whole if you trust in my healing and strength. I will never forsake you because you are my child and I love you. I will turn your brokenness into beauty because you are mine and you are worthy of feeling beautiful. You are worthy of feeling loved." 

Sadly, our world has turned into a world of hate where people only see the bruises and flaws in other people. Because of our society we beat ourselves up for not being perfect, which only makes us more broken than we were before. I know it is hard, but I want you to know that God does not see your bruises and scars when He looks at you. God sees beauty when He looks at you, and that is not something you should ever question. God chose you! Is that not amazing?!?! God chose you to be His people, and because of that you should feel all your brokenness and bruises melt away and your beauty take precedence. You are beautiful because you are not perfect. You are beautiful because you have worth. You are beautiful because you are chosen. Please do not ever let your bruises and scars tell you otherwise.   

Have a very sweet week and stay faithful, friends!

Much love always


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