Tell God First

As humans, we are known to gossip and spread news about those around us on a regular basis. When we hear news that is noteworthy and fascinating we automatically find our friends and tell them. We are never really thinking when we do this because it is just a part of our human nature. We are prone to gossip because it's what we were born into and what we've grown up around. We along with everyone else gossip because we all find pleasure out of it. When we gossip we are looking for a few different things: pleasure, support and sympathy from those you gossip to, and self-assurance. Sometimes we put others down through gossip in order to build ourselves up and feel support, which gives us pleasure. It is incredibly sad that we must find self-confidence in this way. What if we could find a better way to find pleasure when we feel the urge to gossip? What if we told somebody else first instead of our friends? What if we just told God?

The other day my mom showed me this little chart that she saw on her Facebook feed. After she read through it she immediately turned to me and said: "Gracie! You should put this on your blog!" I read through it and agreed that it definitely should become a blog post! Basically this chart, which I have placed down below, gives you two different paths to take based on a situation. In this case the situation is that someone offends you. What would you usually do first-tell people all about it or go tell God? Once you decide which path, you can follow the arrows and read what would usually take place after you decide who to tell. At the very end of your path it will tell you what you accomplished. So go ahead now and pick your path!

Click on the image to enlarge it--it's a little hard to read! :)

Which path did you follow? Did you choose to go to people or God? Honestly, I chose the people path because I have failed to ALWAYS go to God first. If you chose the people path too--that is completely okay! It just means that we need to work on going to God first when we feel the need to gossip or spread our opinions about other people. I think I would much rather honor God by praying to Him than disobey him by gossiping. So today I challenge you to tell God first instead of running to find the first person you could gossip to. Now, of course it may take some time to get in the habit of this, which is completely okay! I know it will take me some time and practice because I am not perfect. So next time you feel the need to vent and gossip to somebody about somebody just simply take a deep breath and let God be the first person you tell! He will give you the peace you need to not feel the urge to gossip, I promise! 

Have a lovely week and stay faithful, friends! 

Love always, 


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